Thursday, May 7, 2009

Lake Como to Santa Margharita

This morning we left paradise and headed to the coast for a visit to the Portofino area. Instead of driving all the way around the lake, we took a car ferry across and then drove west around the other side.

It was a beautiful drive, but if you remember me complaining about the narrow streets getting to our hotel on the lake, these were worse once we got on the coast and headed to town. What an adventure! I'm happily ensconsed in the back seat with snacks [have I told you about the French macaroons that I picked up in Paris?] while Jeff does the driving. I occasionally provide advice or read the map [before motion sickness sets in], but for the most part just cover my eyes and enjoy the ride.

We are staying at the Hotel Metropole right on the sea, the air perfumed with orange blossoms and the grounds full of spring blooms. The hotel itself is comfortable, but has that air of a dowager countess who has seen better days and is in need of a lift or two.

Charming in an antideluvian kind of way, and perfect in this setting. The view of the grounds and to the sea from our balcony was amazing.

The only complaint we had here was the noise . . . constant scooters, trucks, sirens and whatever pretty much all night long. Oh well, the price one has to pay to be in such a beautiful seaside town.

We'll talk later!

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