Hello again . . . we've been having some technical problems but are now back on the net and can give you an update as to what we've been up to. First of all, I have to say that I am now a proud new uncle to Cate, who arrived on Friday and is the sister of Eliot and Grace. Sallud!
Let's just say that we had a spectacular time at Bellagio on Lake Como, the hotel was amazing, one of those places that you see in the movies as a grand European hotel and it lived up to expectations.
We spent the first afternoon walking around the town and recovering from the aforementioned narrow road into the town. The only mishap so far has been me. I went to sleep on a chaise on the beach and now my face is half burned and half white boy . . . I've been slathering on moisturizer in hopes of not peeling and so far its working.
We had dinner in the Terrace Dining Room, a great feast with an armada of wait staff in the European tradition . . . not sure what the guys in red coats did, but they were impressive. Then there were guys in white coats with epaulets and gold braids who scurried about at a maniacal pace. It was right out of the big restaurant number in "Hello Dolly", just without Carol Channing. The food was wonderful and included a foi gras creme caramel with a roast pigeon salad. And, of course, lots of proseco.
The hotel itself was just opening for the season and already had a contingent of faux royalty in residence, all decked out in Hermes with small dogs in tow. And a couple with a constant body guard following them around as they toured the grounds. All very snooty, so as my friend Jenn said "you'll fit in very well". Whatever.
That's all for now.
We'll talk soon.
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